FREE VIP NBA PREDLOG: 01:00 Charlotte – Minnesota
Broj koševa Minnesota/Towns, Karl Anthony (22.5)
VIŠE 1,85 25 WIN
Towns je zbog **health protokola** propustio cak 13 uzastopnih meceva i Minnesota ima dosta peha ove sezone. Zato su naomjeru od tek 6 pobjeda i ako je za utjehu Towns se vratio a Russell ce propustiti jos par duela i onda bi konacno trojac
Towns-Russell-Beasley trebao biti na okupu..
**D’Angelo Russell (left leg soreness) won’t play on Friday against the Hornets.
Russell will miss his second game this week due to soreness in his left leg. **
Towns se vratio protiv dosta teskog protivnika, igrali su protiv Clippersa i Towns je za 32 minute ubacio 18 poena uz sut 8/15 iz igre.
**Karl-Anthony Towns double-doubled in his return to action on Wednesday with 18 points, 10 rebounds, three assists, two triples, one steal and three turnovers across 31 minutes in a loss to the Clippers.
This was just KAT’s fifth game of the season, and his first in nearly a month, but he looked great while he was out there
— as he was aggressive with his shot (8-of-15 FG) and he did a superb job on the glass.**
Veceras dosta laksi matchup jer ga ceka poprilicno supalj reket Charlotte od kako je Zeller starter.
Biyombo je dosta bolji defender ali eto trener je odlucio Zellera vratiti u prvu petorku i tu najvise trpi reket u odbrani.
Poslednju partiju protiv Zellera je odigrao 2018. godine i ubacio je cak 36 poena.
Towns ce biti prva udarna igra Minnesote pogotovo jer kazem opet nema Russella i veceras ga ocekujem na 23+