
VIP NBA PREDLOG: 02:30 Denver – LA Lakers
Broj koševa LA Lakers/Russell, D’Angelo (13,5)
VIŠE 1,85  8 lose

Odmah da kazem da bi ga igrao i na 14,5+

Prvi mec veceras gdje je Denver domacin.

Uzimam igraca Lejkersa over. LeBron James vuce povredu stopala i ne ocekujem ga u ovoj seriji na 100%

**LeBron James (right foot soreness) and Anthony Davis (right foot stress injury) are both probable for Game 1 against Denver on Tuesday.
New series, same injury report. LeBron and AD may be dealing with these ailments, but it won’t impact their availability for any playoff game. They’ll look to steal homecourt advantage in Game 1, as they did in the first two rounds.**

Takodje velika paznja Denvera bice na Davisu i ocekujem da skupe reket koliko god je to moguce sto ce ostaviti prostora za suteve za 3 poena gdje je Russell vise nego dobar.

On je ovo prebacio u cak 8 od 12 play off meceva.

Takodje Denver se citavu sezonu mucio u odbrani protiv protivnickih PG igraca.

Gordon odlican defender ali on ce cuvati LeBrona i moze ga dosta usporiti, ovde je potreban i Russell te njegove trojke, ocekujem ga opet na 15-ak poena.

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