
VIP PREDLOG: 21:00 TNS – Astana 1X 1,55 1 2,82 2:0 ✅
Konferencijska liga – Ligaška faza – 2. kolo

Astana za 3 dana igra utakmicu sezone u prvenstvu protiv direktnog konkurenta za prve 3 pozicije..


Iz tog razloga trener poveo prakticno rezervni tim na ovo gostovanje.

Evo sta je rekao trener gostiju;

**Grigory Babayan spoke about Astana’s goals and lineup for the match in England


**We have a very difficult match with a very strong team, the most titled in Wales — 16 championships in history. We know that they got into the Conference League through the Champions League qualification. The New Saints play attacking football, they are the leader in all attacking metrics in their league — possession, goals scored, and so on. But despite this, we want to impose our football, we need to play very disciplined in all phases. Today we looked at the pitch, had a training session, it is of very good quality. Of course, tomorrow we will try to do everything possible to achieve a result.

— What was the reason for the decision to leave some of the players in Almaty?
— Yes, we really left those 11 players who played against Yelimai in Almaty. Firstly, we had a very long flight, we were not able to train yesterday, as we were on the road. Secondly, the team has such a tight schedule, which has never been in the history of the club, plus the lack of charters this year.

Literally the day before yesterday we played in Semey against “Elimai”, and tomorrow we will play in England. After that we will return by scheduled flight, we will arrive on Saturday, on Sunday – a game against “Aktobe”. Football players are not robots, no one is able to withstand such a load. Therefore, we had to leave the football players, plus half of the coaching and medical staff, in Almaty.

Tomorrow, the 11 players who didn’t play in the last match will play, plus we have 6 players from the reserve team, for whom this is a lot of experience. **

TNS prosli mec odmorio sve igrace i oni ce s najjacim sastavom koji imaju trenutno na raspolaganju igrati.

Nemaju nijedan izostanak a pozitivna vijest je povratak Williamsa..

Dakle kljucni igraci Astane poput Tomasova, Gripseya, Ousman Kamara i Geoffreya nisu ni doputovali dok je povredjen Kalaitsa..

Domacin ima sansu uzeti bar jedan bod i ovakvom omjeru ove kvote imaju vrijednost na TNS.


19:00 Žalgiris – Macc.Tel Aviv 78:63 ✅
Konačni pobjednik

18:45 E.Frankfurt – Rigas 1:0 ✅

19:00 Brynas – HV 71 4:3 ✅
Konačni pobjednik

KVOTA: 2,25 ✅

Ovo igram samo zbog izostanaka kod Makabija..

G Tamir Blatt OUT
F W. Gabriel OUT
G R. Jokubaitis OUT

Jos Loyd otisao, pa prakticno bez pravog plejmejkera..

Samo jedan pravi Guard igrac (Lee) bez prave zamjene i sa klupe i to mislim da ce i presuditi.

Zalgiris jak na svom parketu..

– Europska liga – Ligaška faza – 3. kolo

Po mnogima latvijci su medju najslabijim ekipama u ovom takmicenju..

Jesu oni najbolji u Latviji ali razlika u kvalitetu izmedju Njemacke i Latvije je ogromna.

Frankfurt je ekipa za top 6 u Njemackoj.

Mogu sebi priustiti i odredjene rotacije i opet ce dominirati u ovom mecu, dobili su u proslom kolu Besiktas i to u sred Turske 1:3 sto nije nimalo lako..

– Hokej Svedska

Brynäs ima 4 vezane pobjede, dvije ciste i dvije nakon produzetka/penala..

Trenutno su 5. na tabeli ali samo 1 bod manje od prvoplasirane ekipe Lulea..

HV71 nekada bio veliki i jak klub.

Sada se muce i u zoni su ispadanja, 3 poraza u zadnja 4 kola.

Igram na domacina jer HV71 ima ozbiljne izostanke kljucnih igraca.

Out su prvi golman Alnefelt, Seppälä, Kaski, Hansson, Fisker Molgaard i Ignberg Nilsson…


Prosle godine u ovoj dvorani bilo je 5:3 za Brynas.

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